Our Game Plan

4 Step Process Graphic

When we meet with new clients, we follow a process to develop a customized financial game plan for each person or business. We know that each situation and individual is unique, so we tweak our game plan as needed the more we get to know you, but this is how we typically approach the “field of finance”:

Meet the Players

Our first meeting involves getting to know you as a person (if we don’t already, that is!), and what you hope to achieve with your finances. There’s no rush here, and we do more listening than coaching in this step. We’ll dig into your dreams and plans for the future, ask questions about your risk tolerance, what retirement looks like to you, and what your current financial situation is. We want to hear what really matters to you and where you want to go—that’s how we determine the exact steps to get you there.

Research & Strategy

Now that we know who and what we’re working with, we’ll research the best solutions to help you meet your goals. There are endless options to play with in the financial game, so we’ll narrow it down and identify the right insurance, investments, and timelines to meet your objectives. 

Pre-Game Huddle

After we’ve developed a game plan for you or your business, we’ll sit down and review the process with you. We’ll explain our recommendations for protecting your assets and optimizing your investments, and we’ll answer any questions you have about your financial game plan. We’ll also make sure you understand the reasoning behind our approach and anything you need to do to stay on track. 

Coaching & Film Review

As we implement your financial strategy, we’ll keep in touch to make sure the game plan changes with you. We’ll coach you through any life events that affect your finances, like starting a new business or planning to adopt a child. If there’s anything we need to adjust, we’re a phone call away to help you make the right moves and make sure you’re always progressing toward your goals.